Wednesday, 10 June 2015

What's In My Bag?

Hi my lovely's!

So last week my brother and I went shopping in Cardiff and he let me pick my Birthday present... Baring in mind that my birthday isn't until June 29th!

I knew I wanted a new bag, and I really wanted a nude or an orange one so I was on a mission to find one.

I saw this beautiful Fiorelli bag in orange in Debenhams and I fell in love, but I wasn't 100% sure. So we went to John Lewis as they tend to have more choice. When we were there I came across the nude version and I couldn't choose! They're both just so gorgeous that I may go back and get the orange one! ;-)

This bag was £65 but they had 20% off so it was around £52. I know that it's on sale now at John Lewis, so if you do like it you should check it out.

If you wanted to see what was in my bag then watch the video below. Enjoy!

Ezzie xox

Sunday, 7 June 2015

My First Youtube Video!

Hey my lovely's!
So today I posted my first makeup tutorial! I'm very nervous so just bare that in mind!
If you have any suggestions of videos that you'd like me to do then please let me know!

Ezzie xox